I had to laugh after reading the Dec. 4 issue of Whidbey News-Times. I see the mayor at it again, concerning a dispute between he and his neighbor over a fence. Doesn’t seem to surprise me. He’s all calm cool and collected, saying he’s not asking for special treatment.
Yeah, same old response, just like the mysterious budget line request that has the taxpayers paying for more than double the amount of salary… “Nothing to see here.” We’ve come to expect these responses from him. Nothing more than a smug, arrogant, egotistical narcissist.
We should have seen the writing on the wall. At the Sept. 17 council meeting, his behavior was reprehensible. Unfortunately, the Youtube video does not show it. I sat there in awe as he purposely would not look at the screen or face those who spoke against his actions during public comment. He would look down at the desk, smugly leaning his chin and cheek on his hand, looking up at the timer or at his watch, disinterested in what the public sees or says in defiance of him. He must of felt the heat from my gaze, and he occasionally would look up at me with a “mean mug” expression.
He won’t even answer his own emails, preferring to have his executive assistant take the heat. Seems like the camp fire / beans seen from Blazing Saddles. “How bout some more beans Mr. and Mrs. Oak Harbor Public? I’d say you’ve had enough! All we get from you is gas.”
Richard Hoover
Oak Harbor