Letter: Navy needs support of the citizens


As you have heard, the federal courts have decided to send the U.S. Navy back to the drawing board to see if and how much Naval Air Facility El Centro in California can take on the nation’s premier electronic airborne attack capability in the VAQ Wing.

Granted, one of the reasons why America is truly great is that a group of troublemakers in Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve can seek judicial review of our federal government without fear of violence. This is, however, a time to be serious and outspoken.

As far as we’re concerned, if there are no appeals – and I hope not so we can get some closure to this 12-year crisis in the commons, the calendar has been made. On May 1, 2025, the Navy owes the court an explanation of why NAS Whidbey Island over NAF El Centro.

The Navy may have to offer public input periods during the holidays. If so, I urge those periods are only electronic and U.S. Postal Service for many reasons.

But in any event, I most certainly want fellow Americans to comment safely and respectfully — especially if you support NAS Whidbey Island’s future. Failure to take this seriously can result in the base being dramatically shrunk, with economic and national security impacts. Taking this seriously could be a cathartic community-capacity-building moment.

Either we’re citizens of the United States of America or not. Either we live in a land where “decisions are made by those who show up” or not, as “The West Wing” goes. So I hope you plan to show up and clearly support NAS Whidbey Island, period.

Joe A. Kunzler

Skagit County