Letter: South Whidbey School foundation supports volunteer coordinator role


Over the past two years, the South Whidbey School District has enjoyed the support from a designated volunteer coordinator. While primarily used by and within grades K-5, the coordinator is available district wide to staff needing help for short or long term projects, classroom help, etc.

The South Whidbey Schools Foundation was instrumental in making this a reality and has been able to fund this position yet again, because of generous designated donations received, as we don’t fund salaries or stipends. Our board is focused on creating ways to bridge the schools and the wider community. Having a paid position designated to helping get people into our schools where help is needed is a big piece of this.

Through a combination of generous individual donors and several service based organizations such as United Methodist and The Eagles, we are again funding this position for the current school year. At just seven hours per week though, it is somewhat limited, yet still extremely valuable. We would appreciate being able to increase that to say 10 hours per week to expand access.

If you would like to volunteer in a classroom or you have something to offer students or staff, please contact Melissa at volunteer-coord@sw.wednet.edu. Additional designated funds for this valuable resource can be designated when making a donation through our website. The difference that parent and community involvement makes within a school system is critical and our foundation is committed to doing what we can to help grow this valuable position.

Shelly Ackerman,

President SWSF
