LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Ann McDonald has common sense

To the editor:

To the editor:

A huge thanks to Nels Kelstrom for pointing out the terrible legislative voting record of our current State Representative, Barbara Bailey.

Nels Kelstrom is right. We need a change. We do not need a representative who votes so consistently against the interests of her constituents. Barbara Bailey is in the hip pocket of big out-of-state corporations. Tobacco giant Phillip Morris, pharmaceutical giant Novartis, retailing giant Wal-Mart and communications giant Verizon are all some of the largest contributors to Barbara Bailey’s campaign. Barbara Bailey certainly delivers for them.

Yes Nels, it is time for a change, and that’s why I am voting for Ann McDonald for our state representative. Ann has lived in Greenbank for 20 years and has deep roots in Island County. Ann is a tireless worker. She and her husband Mark have built a successful construction business.

Ann has raised her fine son Niles here on Whidbey Island. She was president of the PTA when Niles was in middle school. She is involved with many of the chambers of commerce throughout Island County.

My long experience with Ann McDonald tells me that she will work for common-sense solutions to the many challenges that we face. I know she will strive to represent the needs of all of her constituents.

Craig Brant
