To the editor:
How refreshing it is to have an election with well-qualified candidates competing with each other. It will be my pleasure to vote for the person I feel most qualified, rather than voting for the person who would, in my opinion, be the lesser of the evils.
After considering whom I feel is the one person best-fitted for being our county commissioner, Phil Bakke wins hands down. Phil has been actively working for the citizens of Clinton since his appointment as commissioner.
Recently he arranged for the state’s head of transportation to come in person to view the concerns of our community about Highway 525, and how dangerous it is for pedestrians to cross from one side of our center to the other side. She was able to see how difficult it is to cross quickly five lands of traffic on foot.
With Phil and concerned citizens, she walked the Clinton area from the post office to the ferry dock. She was able to see the need for more and safer crosswalks. Phil is also helping the Clinton Library obtain more parking for it patrons. We are fortunate to have him represent us.
Phil Bakke has proved to be working for all of Island County and has my vote. I encourage you also to cast your vote for him.
Joan P. Nelson