LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Bring Americans home to defend us from Americans

Editor, I just have to comment about guns and gun control issues. I am angry.


I just have to comment about guns and gun control issues. I am angry.

Since the “War On Terror” was declared on the rest of the world by the American Military/Corporate/Congressional/NRA complex, America has become even more awash with guns and paranoia as evidenced by the many mass killings in America recently. America is not being kept safe. The images of people taking their assault rifles into stores and restaurants are beyond chilling. These fools are dangerous.

Since 9/11, in America, “jihadist terrorists” have allegedly killed about 3,000 Americans on American soil. In that same time period, the number of Americans killed on American soil by Americans wielding guns because it’s “their God-given Second Amendment right” is 390,000. This slaughter is at the hands of Americans who claim to be living in a country of “good God-fearing people living in a Christian nation.”

It appears to me that we need to bring all the troops home to America so they can defend us from us and for America to stop terrorizing the rest of the world on behalf of American business interests.

It appears to me that the “terror” has come home to roost.

