LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Candidate offers perspective on interview answers

Editor, There are two statements attributed to me in your recent article that are incorrect: 1. I mentioned that the payroll system is a mess.


There are two statements attributed to me in your recent article that are incorrect:

1. I mentioned that the payroll system is a mess.

Making changes to the system is not a priority. My number one priority as auditor is actually getting the rest of the accounting system installed. Four years after its purchase, three major parts of the system are not in use. This contributed to the recent 2013 audit finding that internal controls over financial reporting have significant deficiencies. Although a number of errors were caught and corrected; there is still risk that errors could go undetected.

2. I mentioned that a pension is a great benefit for government workers.

Receiving a pension as a county employee is not the reason I am running for auditor. My main reason for running is to bring professional leadership back to the position. As a certified public accountant  experienced in preparing county financial statements, I can provide the review that was found deficient by the auditors.

More than 100 percent turnover in the accounting department in a year is a symptom of poor management. I will work with staff to build confidence and trust by working diligently and becoming engaged with accounting and elections, recording and vehicle licensing.

I encourage Island County voters to attend the voter forums being held this month and to read the two voter’s guides at Island County and VOTE411.org to obtain additional information about this November’s election.

Thank you.


Candidate for Island County auditor


Editor’s note: The interview with Rebecca Wagner was recorded and conducted in the presence of an editorial board.  Her comments were reported accurately and in context.