To the editor:
In his letter to the editor published on July 30, Robert Hrycenko wrote, “We need proven leadership without all the Joseph Goebbel’s-like allusions to leadership and management experience, much like we saw in the last two presidential elections, and some aspirant commissioners in this election!”
Any attack upon the character of the decent people running for Island County commissioner is inappropriate. Comparing any of our local candidates’ statements to the ravings of Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda is despicable. This low-road approach to politics is just the sort of thing we must reject – through the pages of our newspapers and through our votes.
Political campaigns are fraught with emotion. They must be fought with civility.
I call upon Mr. Bakke, who Mr. Hrycenko’s letter supports, to immediately reject this outrageous statement and any others of its ilk.
Hal Seligson