LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Cherry tree is gorgeous, should be preserved

Editor, Today The Record disappointed me when I read on page 1 about the possible cutting down of the gorgeous pink tree, which happens to presently be in all its glory, because it may be interfering with the second street planning and may be diseased. It doesn’t look diseased to me; and how is it a danger to anyone if it is?


Today The Record disappointed me when I read on page 1 about the possible cutting down of the gorgeous pink tree, which happens to presently be in all its glory, because it may be interfering with the second street planning and may be diseased. It doesn’t look diseased to me; and how is it a danger to anyone if it is?

This tree’s spring display is something I’ve looked forward to for years and years. The petals fall in a flood on the streets and make for an amazing picture-perfect town.

Now why in the world won’t the city consider working around that?

Don’t cut the pink tree.

