LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Community help gets kids reading

To the editor:

Clinton, Freeland and Langley libraries had 587 children sign up for our summer reading program.

We would like to thank Whidbey Coffee for providing an incentive to kids to sign up and set a goal of reading at least 10 books. When kids read at least 10 books, they are eligible to bring in their Whidbey Coffee coupons and receive a free Italian soda.

This is the 10th summer that Whidbey Coffee has collaborated with Sno-Isle Libraries to encourage kids to read through the summer … and it is working! We have lots of kids reading and participating in our summer library programs. For the past three years, this collaborative effort was extended to Coupeville and Oak Harbor, as well as the South Whidbey libraries.

The Kiwanis of South Whidbey and the friends of the Clinton, Freeland and Langley libraries also contributed financially to provide prizes and programming. We are thankful to have such wonderful community support.

For our summer reading finale held at the South Whidbey Community Park, the Whidbey Island Kite Flyers provided kits and guidance to children to decorate and make their own kites, and Caitlin Cerio provided hula hoop expertise.

This letter also serves as a reminder to all of the parents of children who signed up for summer reading and met their goals. Please make sure that your kids receive their free Italian soda and the prizes at the libraries. Kids get a certificate, a book, a butterfly craft project and some bugs to take home from the library.

Kids have until Monday,

Sept. 15 to come in and collect their prizes. Hopefully, kids will be going back to school ready to succeed with improved reading skills and a love of good books.

Debby Colfer

Clinton Library

Branch Manager