LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Community is about partnerships

To the editor:

With not enough jobs to earn a family-wage at, the scarcity of affordable housing, and the high cost of living — raising a family on Whidbey Island has always been tough. Every day it seems we are greeted with more and more bad news about the economy. The challenges ahead for some local families will exceed most people’s imagination.

For more than nine years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Island County has provided stability for youngsters by matching them with caring adults in meaningful one-on-one relationships. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Island County has supported nearly

200 youth this year with each one of those children receiving a gift of time with a caring volunteer.

This mentorship program makes a difference in our community. Just this morning a mother of a child in our program came in and told me how much her child’s “Big Sister” means to her daughter and to her as a single mom. She shared that the Big Sister has been able to provide a lot of fun experiences to her daughter, along with getting everyday needs met — like taking her to get her hair cut when she needed it. This mother was so grateful for the efforts of this volunteer mentor.

With volunteers like this, we will be ready to support families in the next year. And undoubtedly more and more families will appreciate a helping hand.

During bad economic times, many nonprofit organizations face challenges even more daunting than those faced by businesses.

For nonprofits — especially those that provide human services — a weak economy often means decreasing sources of revenue combined with an increasing demand for services. In other words, nonprofits are squeezed from both sides.

So, as we approach the most worrisome and uncertain holiday season in many years, I implore all of us to be more generous than ever this year.

I also thank each and every business and individual that supports us in the many giving ways that you do. The Festival of Trees, which is the agency’s major fundraiser, is in its tenth year in Oak Harbor. This year’s Oak Harbor Gala Auction will be held Dec. 5, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Elk’s Lodge in Oak Harbor.

The next day, the agency celebrates the festival for the fourth year on the South End. It will be held Dec. 6, starting at 5 p.m. at the Useless Bay Golf & Country Club in Freeland.

Consider being part of this community celebration and help ensure our mission of helping youth in our community. Every gift helps — regardless of how large or small. And, no matter how tough times are for us, they are dramatically worse for countless others in our community and beyond.

Thank you for your support, I look forward to partnering with each of you in the future.

Peggy Dyer

Executive Director

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Island County