LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Control your dogs or get rid of them

Editor, On Saturday morning, May 30, I had taken my little dog outside on a leash, when across my front yard rushed a pack of three pit bulls. Two brindle and one black and white. I was only able to see a purple collar on the black and white one. My dog barked as soon as she saw them and they slammed her into the bushes and attacked her. I was screaming and tried to pull my dog inside, but those three dogs were relentless.


On Saturday morning, May 30, I had taken my little dog outside on a leash, when across my front yard rushed a pack of three pit bulls. Two brindle and one black and white. I was only able to see a purple collar on the black and white one. My dog barked as soon as she saw them and they slammed her into the bushes and attacked her. I was screaming and tried to pull my dog inside, but those three dogs were relentless. One even started to come for me and would have succeeded in jumping on me except my daughter, hearing my screams, came out and between the two of us and the hose, managed to get them off my dog. They all ran away except the black and white one who finally, after a few kicks and a jet of water in its face, left too.

To the owner of those three dogs, let me say this: pit bulls have a really bad reputation and most of the time it is the fault of the owner. If you are unable to control your dogs and keep them from terrorizing the neighborhood, then you have absolutely no business being a dog owner.

Luckily, my little bichon frise was not hurt, but it could have been a child that those three pit bulls attacked and the results would have been tragic.

