LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Correction needs better location in the paper

What kind of journalism excoriates someone on the front page of a newspaper in a full blown article and then publishes a “correction” on page 4 in a difficult-to-read paragraph — small print on a gray background — of two sentences?


What kind of journalism excoriates someone on the front page of a newspaper in a full blown article and then publishes a “correction” on page 4 in a difficult-to-read paragraph — small print on a gray background — of two sentences?

An apology on the front page would be more appropriate since Kelly Emerson was wrongly accused of attending a meeting where she had every right to be — it was in her district according to the correction — not in Jill Johnson’s. She was criticized unjustly and inaccurately, and as a result was removed as chairman of the commissioners’ meetings.

I certainly hope that our new editor suggests strongly to his reporters to check their facts before submitting them for publication and sullying someone’s reputation.

Jean Goodfellow
