After reading the scathing response and by name public-lashing from Jean Gervais, “Crime, courts stories have their place on page one,” that responded to my letter to the editor, “The Record should cut back on page one crime stories,” that suggested some of the many crime and court articles might be moved to a weekly section, I feel compelled to at least respond, clarify and even apologize if offense was taken.
In no way would I ever intentionally make light of such a serious subject as impaired driving and the tragic consequences it has on our island. I’m truly sorry for your loss and the very real pain endured by you and others affected by this serious issue. I apologize if my wording was in-artful in any way. It was not intended to be. I was simply trying to suggest that The Record consider a consolidated crime and court section in lieu of daily front page coverage. It was just an idea/offering. I probably could have worded my suggestion (and example) much better. Your point that impaired driving should be taken seriously is certainly supported by me and, I believe, most people in the community.
All in all, I think this small exchange is another example of the unique role this local paper plays as a platform for this community seeking to stay connected when facing important issues, both large and small.