LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Curt Gordon inspires loyalty

To the editor:

To the editor:

Gordon’s the one!

Until recently I have served as Curt Gordon’s outside accountant and tax advisor for something more than 20 years. His solely-owned business, Island Asphalt, has been a successful and respected enterprise for all of that period.

In my 40-odd years as an independent accountant, I have found Curt Gordon to be superior, both as a businessperson and an individual.

One of the surest measures of a business owner’s leadership abilities is the esteem and loyalty he engenders in his customers and, more importantly, in the people who work for him. In this last regard, Curt’s record is exemplary. The ongoing loyalty of his “crew” is matched only by his to them. At the annual Christmas party he holds for his staff and close associates you see the same faces year after year. It’s an impressive sight.

With regard to qualifications in the political arena, Curt’s long service on the county parks commission would surely recommend him, along with his obvious talents as a sound business manager.

And finally, judging from my own experience as a former clerk-treasurer for the town of Langley (plus a brief and tumultuous stint as mayor), I think I can recognize potentially outstanding public servants.

Curt Gordon is intelligent, personable, perceptive, energetic and reasonable — all those traits that make for sound local government. And on top of that, he’s just an all-around “good guy.”

Dick Beers

Bell’s Beach