LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Cyclists have equal rights to roadway

Editor, All sports have gear specific to the sport. To educate you, Michael, the tight shorts are like the elderly’s support hose. They help reduce leg cramping and lactic acid build-up as well as padding for the less than generous saddles. The cute little helmet should be obvious. Protection as well as ventilation.


All sports have gear specific to the sport. To educate you, Michael, the tight shorts are like the elderly’s support hose. They help reduce leg cramping and lactic acid build-up as well as padding for the less than generous saddles. The cute little helmet should be obvious. Protection as well as ventilation.

I have logged thousands of miles on a bicycle as well as over a million miles as a Class “A” CDL semi-truck driver without a chargeable accident or harm to a motorist, so I understand both perspectives.

I, too, have received the finger from some of your motoring friends while driving my truck just for being in their space on your road.

The side of the road is where the broken beer bottles reside after being tossed out of a passing motorist is window. The responsible cyclist can use the roadway then move over to allow vehicles to pass.

Haven’t you noticed how few motorists signal anymore? With cell phones, putting on makeup, eating, reading, etc., wouldn’t you think God would have given us a third hand?

I pay taxes on two houses and several vehicles. My taxes and yours, sir, end up in the same pot. Your tax dollars don’t hold anymore esteem than mine do.

The issue here is much deeper. We have become a self-centered people. Our needs have become more important than the other guy’s.

Happy motoring

