LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Don’t hit us up to pay for it all


To the editor:

It struck me as ironic that three conflicting articles all appeared on the same page of Wednesday’s South Whidbey Record.

There was “People For Yes On Whidbey PUD” telling me that $130 million for our own PUD run by amateurs, with no obligation to go back to the voters for authorization to incur that bond debt, was a “neat” idea.

Then there was the South Whidbey Parks & Recreation District telling me that it was no big deal to incur $15.2 million in bond debt, plus “something more for maintenance-and-operations” for a really neat aquatics center. We can all afford “loose change and come up with $5 a month” says Andy McRea.

And in contrast on the same page was a nice article about the Back To School Project sponsored by the Readiness To Learn Foundation regarding their efforts to raise money to provide needed school supplies and clothing for South Whidbey families who are having a hard time meeting “the financial demands of the new school year”. This is relevant whereas the PUD and aquatics center are “ginger bread.”

Fortunately, the small mention of the Langley Marina, and its proposed bond costs, was at least on a different page.

When will the various public agencies and self appointed “bodies” come to grips with the fact that South Whidbey is not a “money pit?” We are here for the rural charm, the desire to escape hectic “mainland” life and the lower tax rates we need to survive. All of the “neat” toys are wonderful, but can we really afford them?

If the PUD, the aquatics center, the marina, et al can support themselves from the get-go that is great, but funding everything at once with public bonds is ridiculous.

Karl Seemann
