LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Editorial cartoon disgusts

The editorial cartoon in the July 17 South Whidbey Record showing a caricature of George Zimmerman on a Monopoly “Get Out of Jail Free” card is insulting and disgusting. Trayvon Martin ambushed Zimmerman from concealment rather than confront him peacefully and demand he stop following him.

The editorial cartoon in the July 17 South Whidbey Record showing a caricature of George Zimmerman on a Monopoly “Get Out of Jail Free” card is insulting and disgusting. Trayvon Martin ambushed Zimmerman from concealment rather than confront him peacefully and demand he stop following him.

Martin chose violence and then died violently.

The media’s support for the combative and violent Martin, instead of the three-times justified Zimmerman, is a blatant attempt to build a sense of injustice among the black community and encourage race-based anger against whites.

Does it need to be mentioned again that Zimmerman is not white?.

The cartoonist should be ashamed.


Oak Harbor