LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Feltons always give back

To the editor:

It is not often that one neighbor thanks another for building a wall between their properties, but that is just what we would like to do.

The board, staff and volunteers of the South Whidbey Commons thank Gene Felton and the Star Store for designing, overseeing construction, and financing the wall between their parking lot and the Commons’ Island Coffeehouse & Books. The attractive structure was the jumping-off point for our coffeehouse and bookstore’s recent exterior renovation on Second Street, and we believe that it will serve to make us better neighbors.

Gene and Tamar have long been known in our community for their generosity and spirit of “giving back.” What we would like to underscore is that there are many instances where their support and donations go on quietly behind the scenes, out of the public eye.

This was just one of those instances, and we are very appreciative for this generous gift.

Patty Sievers

South Whidbey Commons Board