I am extremely concerned about the upcoming election. I believe it imperative that we re-elect Georgia Gardner to the Whidbey General Hospital board.
At a recent League of Women Voters Forum in Langley, I understood Rob Born to say he was interested in affiliating with a faith-based hospital. That concerns me because if that happens my decisions about my end-of-life care will not be honored. With much thought and care, I have completed the legal documents provided by Compassion and Choices.
My health care agents are aware of my desires and will carry them out when I am no longer able to speak for myself. If, however, our hospital is affiliated with a faith-based hospital my decisions will not be honored. My agents will have to move me off Whidbey Island, where I have lived for nearly 40 years.
I have served on a board with Georgia Gardner and know her to be intelligent, thoroughly knowledgeable, and committed to retaining Whidbey General as our hospital.