To the editor:
I am not even going to guess the intended message by the editorial cartoon in Saturday’s (Jan. 16) Record, except to point out the overwhelming outpouring of prayers, aid and supplies generously donated by Christian individuals and organizations such as Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse, World Vision, Pat Robertson’s Operation Blessing, Catholic Charities and others. I choose against focusing on the tired argument that since God allows evil, and yet has the power to prevent it, he rationally must therefore participate in evil himself. God has wisely chosen not to confide in either myself or anyone I know about his reasons for catastrophes and natural disasters.
What he has revealed is the amazing love shown by folks who take Jesus’ command seriously to love their neighbor as themselves.
Additionally, I am further convinced we are all created in God’s image as I observe those with no religious motivations whatsoever give unselfishly without any thought of personal recognition. God does indeed exist, and he is good. Terrible and destructive as natural disasters are, God’s unlimited love is infinitely more powerful and far-reaching.
Arthur Angst