To the editor:
On Thursday, July 3, hundreds of Whidbey Islanders will head toward Freeland Park to enjoy fun, family, friends, entertainment and fireworks at Celebrate America.
This year, Celebrate America is joining with Good Cheer Food Bank to collect food for the food bank.
As you pack to head to Celebrate America could you bring some non-perishable food with you and help build our community?
Over the last few months the food bank has experienced a large increase in the number of individuals and families utilizing their services. There is a significant need for the donation of food at the food bank. If each individual and family brought a few food items the food bank would be blessed by literally thousands of items.
Bring some food, build the community.
Matt Chambers
South Whidbey Assembly
of God
Celebrate America Organizer
Kathy McLaughlin
Executive Director
Good Cheer