LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Indoor tennis would be great

To the editor:

I can only speak for the tennis community when I say there are hundreds of players on this island that would dearly love to see the sort of indoor facility that a community recreation center would provide. People from the entire island would come and pay to play.

The only option at the present time is in Everett, where membership fees and travel expense makes it impossible for the majority of people.

People of all ages would come from miles around to participate in tournaments and competitive play.

Our high school teams could guarantee matches rain or shine so players wouldn’t make long trips on buses only to find a cloudburst turns them away. Events that generate revenue for local businesses could be held year-round.

I know we need to weigh the benefits when it comes to what a facility has to offer the community and I believe that a healthy, active population is worth the $5 a month investment.

Linda Belyeu
