LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Island Transit Director Martha Rose should stay

Editor, This is my opinion based on my experience working with Island Transit: 1. We would not have Island Transit without Martha Rose.


This is my opinion based on my experience working with Island Transit:

1. We would not have Island Transit without Martha Rose.

2. We would not have the world-class transportation system (fare free fixed routes, paratransit, and ride share) that we still have without Martha’s expertise and dedication.

3. If we want to repair the system to its optimum state and beyond, in the fastest time possible, who better to accomplish this than Martha?

Granted, there have been mistakes. I’m sure no one is more disappointed than Martha, and she is taking responsibility for whatever happened. However, why throw out the baby with the bath water and add to the mistakes that have already occurred? We learn from our mistakes, we don’t repeat them, and we move forward in the most intelligent manner. Martha was instrumental in bringing this transit system to life.  There is no time for politics as usual. Martha is the most capable person available to return us to where we were in the quickest amount of time. Let’s get over it and get on with it with Martha.

