To the editor:
One of the most impressive services on Whidbey is Island Transit. Having lived in other rural areas that offer no public transport, it is indeed to the credit of our community that such an extensive service is provided for everyone — including paratransit services and vanpool assistance.
When visitors come to Whidbey, they are equally impressed by the vision, wisdom and compassion our community shows by having a fare-free service. It speaks volumes about Whidbey Island that we support this service for residents and visitors alike.
Additionally, Island Transit provides an environmentally friendly alternative to single- driven cars resulting in energy savings, increased efficiency, less congestion and pollution, and cleaner air.
During the last gas-price crisis, you could see the increased ridership due to the economic hardship for many islanders. I see many islanders using transit to get their basic shopping done here on Whidbey.
When the Port Townsend ferry became passenger-only, Island Transit was available to transport visitors to local businesses. The Central Whidbey economy during our ferry crisis has been boosted through increased help from Island Transit. As the economy has fallen and sales have taken a hit, Island Transit still provides exceptional service schedules and quality; let us continue to support these levels of excellence and efficiency island- wide.
We are able to have this great service by sharing the cost, and we benefit whether we ride the bus or not. Imagine that for less than 1 cent per dollar spent, we will be able to continue this tradition of service and caring in our community.
There is not enough that can be said about the benefits Island Transit provides economically, environmentally and compassionately for our island community. (Incidentally, 9/10 of a percent is also the transit tax we pay over in Skagit Valley when we buy goods there, and it goes toward their transit, which most of us never use.)
Please vote YES on the transit issue. You cannot get a better value or a more positive feeling about the whole community and Whidbey than with Island Transit. The increase being requested amounts to $3 per $1,000 spent when you go shopping, and is not hooked to property taxes. What a great way to support our island community and the air we breathe.
Please vote yes Aug. 18.
Che Gilliland