I am 72, Jewish, a Socialist, born in Brooklyn, and both my parents were immigrants from Poland. My background is very similar to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ heritage.
But it’s not just these demographics that make me “Feel the Bern.” In one of the nationally broadcast town halls, CNN moderator Anderson Cooper asked Bernie if he is hiding behind his Jewishness. He answered he is proud to be a Jew. He added how Judaism has guided him to do unto others what you would like them to do onto you.
He responded to another question from a Flint grandmother who was grief stricken about her grandchildren being poisoned by lead in the city’s drinking water. Bernie responded by saying, and I am paraphrasing, he wished we lived in a world where we knew that he would care for our grandchildren and you would care for his.
It takes enormous courage to stand up to the ruling elite and be consistent for his entire political career.