Whether an actual homeless person or someone such as myself whom has chosen not to retain a physical address, the following scenario is a reality:
They will say, “Why don’t you go get a job?”
Gee, well, getting a job means maintaining your appearance and such as presentable; this would include showering. Since South Whidbey State Park decided to permanently shut off their showers and the port Nazis have coded their shower doors at both the marina and the fairgrounds in Langley, it essentially leaves no options.
Ah, but then they will say, “You can shower at the fairgrounds for $3 and the marina is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.”
First of all, if someone is trying to secure a job for themselves, I highly doubt they are able to shell out $60 to $90 a month just for showers. Furthermore, isn’t 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the usual hours one is expected to be at work?
Oh and if you were thinking of suggesting showering at a friend’s, the only definition “friend” has anymore in this situation is the people you know who have not been evicted or foreclosed on, and it is a real blessing if you can find one who isn’t quick to bicker about water bills, septic systems and/or well pumps.
Yet you all continue to wonder why nothing ever changes among this particular demographic topic… It’s pretty hard for the ones getting kicked when they are already down.