LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Join our terra-trading network

To the editor:

We of Whidbey Community eXchange have implemented a new local currency, the Whidbey Terra, for the people and businesses of Whidbey, and are pleased to see that many interesting exchanges are happening, creating new sources of wealth in our community.

And we are happy to announce that the nationally recognized money expert,

Dr. Thomas Greco, has put us on his book tour itinerary. He will be giving a talk at 7 p.m. on Nov. 8 at Whidbey Institute.

His recent book is “The End of Money and the Future of Civilization” in which he highlights the flaws of our current economic model and describes a new plan involving local currencies to liberate communities from the dollar’s booms and busts. We invite all to enjoy a stimulating evening and encourage Whidbey residents to join our Terra-trading network at whidbeycx.com (you can get help joining by clicking “Contact us” at the top of the page).

Ron Ward
