LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Kudos to school district for fixing bus mistake

Editor, While we were away, a South Whidbey school bus inadvertently turned onto our dead-end street. In the process of turning around on our property, deep ruts were made by the bus. The school district took responsibility and, as soon as possible, repaired the damage beautifully. As retired teachers, we are acutely aware that schools don’t always receive the positive news they deserve.


While we were away, a South Whidbey school bus inadvertently turned onto our dead-end street. In the process of turning around on our property, deep ruts were made by the bus. The school district took responsibility and, as soon as possible, repaired the damage beautifully.

As retired teachers, we are acutely aware that schools don’t always receive the positive news they deserve. Therefore, we want to publicly thank Facilities Director Brian Miller and his maintenance staff for a job well done. We are most appreciative.

