Langley government has a nice website that they have obviously put some work into. Front and center is a calendar of government events. On April 14 there is a notice for a Langley Historic Preservation Commission meeting. Curiously, the big public meeting that will happen that day, the funicular meeting, isn’t listed, though the date has been known at least since it was announced on March 4 at the Langley Planning Advisory Board meeting.
The hang-up is apparently Michael Davolio, the city planner, who has not given the posting to Cheryl, who posts things on the calendar. Though he has been asked by several different people to put the meeting on the calendar, Mr. Davolio says he doesn’t want to do that until the elaborate webpage he is creating about the meeting is ready. He hopes to have that done at least a week before the meeting, but he’s not promising. Posting a date, time and place can’t be done before the whole complicated presentation is completely ready?
Is this maneuver a subtle way of trying to reduce the headache of public involvement? If the city wants us to think our input and attendance is desired, this isn’t the way to go about it.