LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Let planner work before forming opinions

Let planner work, before opinions Editor, Watching such continuous, vociferous and intense support or opposition to a given issue makes me suspect, based on 45 years of public involvement experience, there are other underlying agendas at play: name recognition, pre-running for elected office, upset at elected official or officials for past rebukes, religious fervor, other and etc. WOW.

Let planner work, before opinions


Watching such continuous, vociferous and intense support or opposition to a given issue makes me suspect, based on 45 years of public involvement experience, there are other underlying agendas at play: name recognition, pre-running for elected office, upset at elected official or officials for past rebukes, religious fervor, other and etc.


People against an objective, professional feasibility study who want what? Annexation to Mukilteo? Confusing the port and city jurisdictions and money? Free tennis shoes for all elderly people who want to walk up Wharf Street to keep them fit? What? Agendas. Reminds me of drug company TV ads that hype prescription drugs to potential viewer-patients so they can lobby their experts, their doctors, telling the doctors what drug to use for something not even diagnosed. Underlying agenda? Not your health.

The City of Langley hired an experienced, competent city planner as director (former president of American Planning Association, island/regional and international experience). An honest and competent professional, so don’t even go there. Let the man do his homework and we can then have a (somewhat) objective dialogue and maybe put all the agendas on the table. I say, “somewhat” because you can’t influence or debate the choir if it only knows one song.

And gee, I didn’t even over- use my words like the “choir” has. I wonder who is related to whom?

