LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let’s not keep Bakke in his job

To the editor:

To the editor:

I am writing this letter in response to Mr. Hrycenkos’ letter published in the Wednesday edition of the Record.

His decrying of the opponents of Mr. Bakke indicates that he has neither read any of the news recently of the foibles and unbelievable mismanagement of the “experienced” administration, Congress and the Senate have left us with.

To imply that G.W. Bush, who has been in a political family all his life, lacked the experience is not only laughable, it is a willful misrepresentation of the facts.

Further, as to Mr. Bakke’s qualifications, I take exception to the claim: He was appointed to the job, not elected by anyone that

I know. His tenure in civil service is laudable and appreciated, but certainly no sterling example of either his wisdom or foresight in dealing with problems, only the politics.

I believe that a candidate like Curt Gorton, who has survived as an independent businessman, has far more life experience and real life than someone coming to us from politics and civil service. The very fact that he is running as an independent, after the debacle of a go-along Congress and Senate voting for the misguided policies over these past seven years, is the clincher for me.

In closing, I will say that I will take the “wannabes” with no experience each time I am offered the choice.

Bud Hoelscher
