LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Libraries are community cornerstones

To the editor:

Please help the Coupeville Library expand and upgrade so it can continue to be a hub of community activity. A strong and free nation requires an informed citizenry. Libraries are, have been, and will continue to be a pillar for keeping “We, the People” knowledgeable.

Help our library keep up with the needs of our community. It needs more space for books, for information access, for children, for staff work areas and for more people to meet and discuss ideas, plans, projects and issues important to them, our community, our nation and our world.

Your vote is important. For the cost of less than one hardback book a year – $21 – an owner of a house assessed at $300,000 can help our community have a library that will serve us well for many years to come. If you can save the purchase of one book a year by making better use of the library, you will come out ahead!

For more details on the proposals, go to www.voteyescoupvillelibrary.org.

Chic Merwine
