LETTER TO THE EDITOR: McCain can’t win on the merits


To the editor:

What an act of desperation by John McCain in selecting his running mate. Predictably, in her coming out speech, McCain’s vice presidential selection pandered to Hillary Clinton supporters in a feeble attempt to divide a united Democratic party.

McCain has lost the battles regarding foreign policy judgment, energy policy, the economy and healthcare. He has tried unsuccessfully to make this election about Barack Obama, even resorting to the petty, demeaning Rovian tactics of denigrating his opponent by claiming he is nothing but a rock star. All this from someone who claims to be above the destructive politics of the Bushies and his cronies.

By this final Hail Mary pass, he implicitly acknowledges that he cannot win this election on the merits. His only hope is to divide the Democrats.

What an insult to the huge number of Hillary Clinton supporters who fought valiantly for her nomination. Certainly they were sorely disappointed that she did not win the nomination of their party. She too would have been an outstanding standard bearer of the Democratic ideals that have made this country great.

Does John McCain and his Rovian cronies really think that our strong, intelligent Democratic women are so shallow and petty that they will turn their back on our proud Democratic history and traditions just because their favored candidate did not win the nomination?

With this mindset it is no wonder that the ranks of the Republican Party have been dwindling steadily over the years. They offer nothing but derision and division.

I, for one, have confidence that this desperate act of an old, tired, time-worn politician will utterly fail and will once and for all relegate him to his seat in the Senate until he finally leaves the national scene.

Nels Kelstrom
