LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Media has treated Senator Clinton badly

To the editor:

I find your choice of cartoons in the June 11 paper to be appalling. Sen. Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be depicted in such a contemptuous fashion. She is a brilliant and accomplished woman who has and will serve our country with honor. Would you have considered a cartoon that portrayed Sen. Obama in a similar way had their roles been reversed? I doubt it.

She has been treated very badly by our news media and by her own Democratic Party. It is a statement about how biased the coverage of this election campaign has been, that I have had to look to sources overseas for more truthful and honest reporting than has been available here.

As to the suggestion of the cartoon that she is begging for the position of vice president, that is far from the truth. It is true that others are encouraging that possibility, and out of loyalty to the Democratic Party she has indicated a willingness to take on that role. But many think her considerable talents might be better utilized elsewhere.

Rebecca Sundberg
