LETTER TO THE EDITOR: My suggestion on a woman’s place


To the editor:

Just where that is, I’ll never know; 55 years of marriage, three children and three grandchildren have taught me never to second guess womankind.

I’ve watched Sarah Palin’s husband as he goes about being a house dad, soccer dad, part-time fisherman, moose hunter and full-time union member. It’s not hard to empathize with him as he goes about the household chores which are his lot in life. They were, and continue to be, my (happy) lot as well.

My wife, Nancy, started a small design service in eastern Washington while I was busy with career activities as a technical illustrator/writer. We busily raised twin daughters and a son while being about our businesses. I watched Nancy in her role of mother, wife and a terrific designer who also created time to start a church. Her business grew. Eventually, I joined her and the design service became a small, technical ad agency. In time, three employees were added to the payroll and business flourished.

Were we successful? Sarah and Todd would probably think so.

Sadly, feelings about Sarah seem to be along party lines. Many of her critics will never feel the closeness that shared ambition, business issues, unconditional love of family and friends or the success that comes with it. Sure, the path Sarah has chosen calls up more professional abilities than any woman has ever been asked to bring to work, ever! And raise a family while doing so.

Personally, I understand and admire Sarah for what she has done, what she’s capable of doing and I’m more than willing to know her integrity is at work in Washington, D.C. The only really scary thought I have is that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would be a heartbeat away from the presidency if Sarah should ever need to become president.

That’s all for now, I have dishes to do.

Gerry Simpson
