LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Needed programs will suffer

To the editor:

I am a regular person who wants to have work, a place to rest with a roof, food for my family and affordable healthcare. I pay my taxes and try to do the right thing. You know, play fair.

I am disappointed in my government and my representatives. They don’t seem to care about what happens to the citizens who voted them into office.

Health insurance reform will funnel billions of our tax dollars to the very people who have been denying healthcare to people who need it. The very people that make huge profits off of the ordinary people that pay their taxes and try to play fair.

Banks have been bailed out with billions of our tax dollars and pay themselves huge “performance” bonuses while ordinary Americans are losing their homes. It appears that socialism is good for the huge corporations that own our representatives, but not for human beings.

Locally, people are taxing the capacity of food banks and emergency rooms for survival care. Tea Baggers come out of the woodwork to protest the loss of a deputy or two when the budget cuts have an effect on their perceived protection, not seeming to understand that when people get desperate, they do desperate things, sometimes illegal things, in order to survive.

I can definitely understand why people protest taxes because a lot of waste takes place with this money, but what I do not understand is why Tea Baggers are silent when almost a trillion dollars a year is spent on the defense of a government that treats its citizens the way ordinary Americans are treated.

As a society, we fund the programs that we value, and in America the cuts are happening.

Education will suffer, healthcare for the people will suffer food programs for the needy will suffer, and shelter for the homeless will suffer. The list of human needs in these tough times keeps growing, but thank God we’ll have enough credit worldwide to finance the biggest military budget on earth on the backs of future generations of patriotic, taxpaying Americans.

Where are these so-called Tea Baggers when you really need them?

Dan Freeman
