LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Please brake for people towing trailers

Don’t ya just hate it when you’re driving down the highway and someone pulls out right in front of you and you either have to slam on your brakes, swerve or both to avoid hitting them and being in an accident? That’s what happened to me last Saturday at Bayview, and the man in the mini-van only went a quarter-mile down the road and turned off on a side road.

To the editor:

Don’t ya just hate it when you’re driving down the highway and someone pulls out right in front of you and you either have to slam on your brakes, swerve or both to avoid hitting them and being in an accident?

That’s what happened to me last Saturday at Bayview, and the man in the mini-van only went a quarter-mile down the road and turned off on a side road.

Sounds irritating, doesn’t it? But the real corker about this whole scenario is that I was pulling a fully loaded horse trailer and yes,

I did have to slam on my brakes and swerve in order not to hit this idiot. “Mr. Mini-van” could have waited a couple seconds and would have had clear sailing to the entire highway, but no, because of his inconsiderate, impatient, selfish behavior he caused my horse to scramble and almost go down in the trailer.

With all the horse/livestock owners we have on the island, we are on the roads a lot, so please, PLEASE when you see us coming down the road, don’t think we’re going to slow you down and that you have to pull out in front of us. Trust me, people pulling horse trailers on this island are not the ones holding up traffic, so give us a brake, and help us deliver our livestock safely to their destination.

Sue Williams
