LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Rambo III on a screen near you

To the editor:

Watching the Republican Convention is like seeing a preview of a new Rambo movie.

Cheered on by all the folks in cowboy hats, the speakers described John McCain’s military background as an important prerequisite for the next president and forecasted the need to prepare for the next shootout. After the splendid success of Rambo I (Afghanistan) followed by the dramatic victory in Rambo (II) Iraq, I can’t wait for Rambo III led by flyboy John and his new gun-toting mama partner.

The video film clips of Sarah practicing with her automatic weapon at a firing range were priceless. It invoked fond memories of the current VP Cheney nailing his friend with his shotgun.

I couldn’t tell if Sarah’s gun was an AK47 or an Uzi. These weapons are not for hunting animals, only humans.

George Bush added to the war- drum frenzy with his rant about he new evil, “The Angry Left.” We better start rounding them up since they are right here at home.

With the new opportunities for conflict, I can see John singing, “bomb, bomb, bomb; bomb bomb Iran,” or if he is tired of fighting in the Middle East, he could continue providing the Polish Missile Crisis, where W plans to locate guided missiles

100 miles from the Russian border. W sees nothing wrong with this, just as Nikita Khrushchev saw nothing wrong with putting missiles in Cuba in 1962, 100 miles from Florida. Of course, we don’t want to confuse things by bringing up old history.

Lots of exiting new scenes for Rambo III when John and Sarah are in charge. Not to worry. Lots of evil out there for them to go after. As W says, “Bring ’em on.”

Norm Bodine
