LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Talking points were right on

To the editor:

I need to respond to the letter from Jim Dyment in the June 10 Record.

After a relatively scattered screed about taxes driving people to the poorhouse and trucks and trains being wiped out of business, etc. we got to the real issue: “Everything Obama has touched has failed.”

It’s all about focus, Mr. Dyment.

President Bush was left with a budget surplus of about $130 billion from the previous president, Bill Clinton.

According to your numbers, Bush left us with a deficit of $550 billion. If you add the surplus to the deficit, it is roughly $660 billion, or two thirds of a trillion. If you throw in several hundred billion borrowed from the Chinese to run an illegal, immoral war started by your beloved Bush and company, then it’s pretty easy to see where the money went.

Americans have a huge hole to dig out of — a legacy of borrow-and-spend economics made fashionable by Reagan and the Republican Party.

I will say this, though: You’ve got your right-wing mainstream conservative corporate media talking points memorized, but you may want to tone it down a little, because your Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh colors are showing.

Dan Freeman
