LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The torch has been passed

To the editor:

We need a pool for the young people of South Whidbey.

Some 12 years ago, hard working volunteers got a “package” pool offering on the ballot only to have it voted down.

This current offering, like the previous one, reflects the studied conclusion that an enhanced center, with pools as its focus, would best meet the needs of our intergenerational community.

With all due respect to our local and lovely lakes, we must keep in mind that the swim center would be served by free island bussing. More importantly, the center would have supervision.

The realization of a swim center would be the capstone to our all-but-perfect Community Park. The creation of this park is for the most part due not only to the energy of the original dreamers, but to the subsequent giftings of land, heavy equipment and their operators; contractors, business donations, the sweat of donated labor; not to mention individual donations, both physical and financial. Would the community taxpayers have supported this original cost if they had been billed for it? It would have been huge.

Now we are asked to support this most seriously considered tax proposal once again, to support an aquatic center. Both of these studies have come to the conclusion that we can make it happen — that it is within the means of the community and a great asset.

What are we going to do, wait another 10 to 12 years for another study which will basically agree with the conclusions of the first two?

From those original patrons, the torch has been passed. Can we truly drop it and walk away? For us the time has come.

Please, give consideration for this truly 21st century project benefiting all of us.

Mike and Sydney Hoffman
