Every four years presidential election hype proclaims an election as the most important ever. In truth some elections are more important than others. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 and the challenge of Donald Trump in 2016, for entirely different reasons, fit the important election category.
Obama’s election brought forth what is best about America, appealing to the “better angels of our being.” It was a positive affirmation of our diversity.
In contrast Trump does not appeal “to the better angels of our being.” His appeal is to fear and hate that seeks to divide Americans. His rise to notoriety was through a promotion of a racist “birther” movement — a mean spirited attempt to delegitimize our first African American president. He began his official campaign by denigrating Mexican Americans, Muslims, women, immigrants, people with disabilities and even war heroes like John McCain. Trump is a demagogue representing the worst impulses in the American experience.
Beyond demagoguery there is more than a whiff of fascism associated with the Trump campaign. Consider the Republican Convention and Trump’s acceptance speech that claimed “only I can solve things.” Trump presented a dark, fearful view of America with a need for a strong leader. A hallmark of fascism is authority vested in a strong leader to the detriment of civil rights. Fascism is also based on big lies. The repetition of falsehoods lead many people to accept lies as fact. Trump tells so many lies the press and fact checkers can’t keep up. Fascism emphasizes militarism and violence to solve real or imaginary problems. Trump calls for a huge increase in our already bloated military budget and encourages violence at his rallies, even implying approval of the assassination of his opponent. “Let the Second Amendment people take care of Hillary and the judges.” Fascism co-opts religion and the press. Trump has strong support from Christian evangelicals and is very good at manipulating the press. Finally, fascism seeks scapegoats and promotes prejudice against the “other.” Trump appeals to white male privilege and denigrates people of color as a threat, as the “other.” Racism underlies his appeal.
There is a reason why many Republican leaders are disavowing Trump. Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy. He represents behavior alien to the American political process. He would make America hate again, not be great again.