To the editor:
As Thanksgiving approaches, I would like to publicly thank the attorneys who volunteer with the Volunteer Lawyer Program of Island County.
These attorneys take time out of their busy lives to provide free legal aid to low-income people in Island County. Without their services many residents of the county would not receive any sort of legal assistance to deal with problems such as domestic violence, eviction, custody, paternity and consumer fraud.
The following attorneys believe that equal justice for all is important in Island County and have volunteered during the current year: Doug Saar, Mark Theune, Matthew Walker, Terry Smith, Cecilia Welch, Rob Born, Jennifer Brainard, Megan Brown, Carolyn Cliff, Jacob Cohen, William Daniel, Eric Ferguson, Jim Kotschwar, Chris Lyons, Nathan Manni, Paul Neumiller, Mike Waller and John Watson. Also, Tamara Oakes from Skagit Valley College volunteers her time as our treasurer.
As we all suffer through the current economic crisis, volunteers in our community become even more important. Thank you all!
Christine Crowell
Program Director
Volunteer Lawyer Program of Island County