LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote yes for a new recreation center

To the editor:

We have amazing parks and recreation opportunities on South Whidbey. I do hope that is something on which we can all agree.

The reason we have such opportunities is because a few visionaries saw the need for and put in place the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District. Since the district’s inception the commissioners of the Parks & Recreation District have been wonderful stewards of our tax dollars, establishing a parks system, and recreational facilities and opportunities of which we should all be proud.

And when it comes to the bond for the community recreation center, their stewardship should not come into question.

The current design for the community recreation center is based on many factors, not the least of which are what the community has asked for and what the commissioners believe the community is willing to spend.

How do they know what the community wants? In 2005, the parks district commissioned a user needs assessment, which, by the way, had relatively unheard of participation in the world of polling.

This means that people really cared about this subject and wanted to have input.

The numbers from this poll resulted in the development of a design for a community recreation facility, not just a pool. Why? Because that is what we asked for.

And there are other considerations. For example: A pool is expensive to run. But the community really wants a community pool. (I would be so bold as to claim we need a pool). So, the addition of the other facilities will ultimately make the recreation center self sustaining and affordable.

Tennis: frivolous? No, it is a huge revenue generator (not to mention fun!).

Hot tub: luxury? Perhaps, but it is also a therapy tool, great for seniors with tired or arthritic joints and stress relief for everyone.

And the best part about it? This is a community center, it will be available to everyone in the community, not just those who can afford joining fees and monthly dues.

Yes, we will all pay for the construction. We will also pay for operation expenses until the center becomes self-sustaining, but the fact is, this is an investment in our community and in ourselves.

At $5 per month for the average property owner? I consider it a great investment!

The parks commissioners have weighed the benefits and the costs and considered how to best make this a sustainable endeavor. They have decided that we should move forward with this bond and with this community center as conceptualized.

And you know what? I agree. Let’s make this happen, we deserve it.

Kathy Rogers
