LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Whidbey should resort to agriculture in time of war

To the editor:

My heart sank when I read

“$60 million airplane, $500 million payroll…The new aircraft will…disrupt the enemy.”

What are we thinking? I saw bumper stickers the other day on two different cars, one said “War IS Terrorism” and the other said “There is no difference between us and those whom we destroy.”

Who do we perceive as the enemy? And when do WE become the enemy?

I think all of us who were born into the Christian Church in America should wonder what happened to the Commandants? Further in the article I read, “When we go into a situation like Iraq…”

Shall we continue to wage even more wars so that we can take even more oil that we will need to feed these hungry planes? And what are we hungry for? Power? Oil? Are those human values? WHAT ARE WE THINKING?

Shouldn’t we all take stock of ourselves and look at where we are heading? When and how did “Turn the other cheek” change into “Kill them before they kill us”?

The world’s grandchildren need warmth, food, shelter, kindness and love, not bombs, greed and fear.

I agree with Duke LeBaron in May 18th’s paper. Instead of bigger airports, bigger marinas and monster fighter planes that serve the few and only consume valuable resources, why not use this beautiful island for positive benefits for all: to raise food. This island is rich with soil and water in South, Central and North Whidbey. We could be famous for being the “greenest” most organic island in the U.S. We could become a sustainable island using the best practices for conservation and healthy use of resources and actually help the world as a role model of peaceful living.

Marilyn Loustaunou
