LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Workout routine works for me

To the editor:

It’s cold, it’s dark, and it’s wet ‑ what better time of year to come inside and exercise at Curve’s? I have been a member for years. I go straight from work. If Curve’s 30-minute routine didn’t work for me I would have left a long time ago; but it does.

Thirty minutes and I’m in and out. I also lost 10 pounds last year and enjoyed every minute of it – you will never feel hungry on their way of eating and staying healthy.

Join for your health, your cholesterol, to lessen the risk of cancer and other diseases, to clear your head, to see other members and chat (or not), and walk out feeling like you did something very good for yourself. I did and will continue – Curve’s formula works for me!

Marilynn Norby
