LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Another property tax problem

This is in response to Robert Louge’s letter regarding property tax issues. We had a different situation with taxes but can appreciate his frustration.

To the editor:

This is in response to Robert Louge’s letter regarding property tax issues. We had a different situation with taxes but can appreciate his frustration.

In 2009 we paid exactly what our tax statement said — in full and on time. Later, our tax status changed. Three full years later, in late January of this year, we were sent a foreclosure notice stating we owed over $1,300 more from the year 2009. We had 30 days to pay or else.

Letters were sent to both Ana Maria d Nuñez and Mary Wilson Engle. Engle didn’t even bother to respond. Ana Maria responded with what we considered a very rude and condescending tone. She told us we “knew” we would owe more, but how could we? A lot can happen in three years’ time and why would we ever think it would take anyone three years to send us anything?

We reminded her more than once that the Assessor’s and Treasurer’s offices were the ones who went three years delinquent, not us. We should never have been threatened with foreclosure or saddled with any fees because of their lack of timeliness.

We don’t know how a government office can be years behind in their work and think it’s OK to lay a penalty on the public because of it. The citizens of Island County should expect and deserve to have current and up-to-date records of their property tax, and public servants like Ana Maria d Nuñez should note she was voted into office and can be voted out.

Marv and Luanne Raavel
