LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Campaign sign misplaced

Readers may remember my sounding the alarm about the apparent takeover by the Tea Party of the U.S. Postal Service. How else to explain the Lauderdale campaign sign on the corner of the Freeland post office. I’m pleased to see that it has been removed — by somebody. However, the Tea Party coup d’etat is still in full swing on the South End.

To the editor:

Readers may remember my sounding the alarm about the apparent takeover by the Tea Party of the U.S. Postal Service. How else to explain the Lauderdale campaign sign on the corner of the Freeland post office. I’m pleased to see that it has been removed — by somebody. However, the Tea Party coup d’etat is still in full swing on the South End.

It looks like the Tea Party has now taken over the South Whidbey School District, the school board, or at least Bayview School. On Wednesday, July 25, there was a Lauderdale campaign sign on the property (photos available). Now, I know that Lauderdale is a great respecter of public property (assuming it’s not for public conservation or recreation), so he surely wouldn’t put his sign there unless he had either purchased the property or had explicit permission, would he? Now, I haven’t heard that the school district has sold the land to the Tea Party, so I have to assume that when no one was watching, the district or school board gave him permission.

After all, Jeff Lauderdale, Kelly Emerson, and their Tea Party minions wouldn’t do anything illegal now, would they, give or take an occasional building code and wetland violation.

Steve Erickson
