To the editor:
Two recent letters to this paper have accused Helen Price Johnson of “tax and spend.” This leads me to ask the question, Since when does a county commissioner have that kind of power? The statement was in reference to what would happen if someone couldn’t meet the terms of a property contract or taxes on same. The writer didn’t like her response to the effect that the property owner could risk losing the property. The truth is that the response to such a situation would be the same in all 50 states. I’m sure if Ms. Price Johnson made that statement, it wasn’t vindictive. She is many times over the best person for the job she currently holds as county commissioner.
In the first place, “tax and spend” is not what has this country in dire straits. It is “borrow and spend.” If you need proof of this statement, check the size of the national debt, which is a matter of public record. Check on that along with which presidents ran up the debt. Then write the editor again and truthfully report what you found.
Helen Price Johnson is the right person for the position of county commissioner. We certainly don’t need another Tea Party candidate. The accomplishments of the Tea Party can be summed up in one word: “Gridlock.”
LeRoy Spilman