LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | No more flawed thinking

To the editor: We are all aware that the economy is in trouble. That means that we are all in trouble. It is important to understand why the economy is in trouble, and then to do what is needed to fix the problems. Jeff Lauderdale understands the problems and has the intelligence and experience required to solve our problems as our County Commissioner.

To the editor:

We are all aware that the economy is in trouble. That means that we are all in trouble. It is important to understand why the economy is in trouble, and then to do what is needed to fix the problems. Jeff Lauderdale understands the problems and has the intelligence and experience required to solve our problems as our County Commissioner.

We continue to spend more than we earn. We try to regulate more than we can afford to administer. We make earning a living in Island County unnecessarily difficult. Our youths are moving away. We deny adequate funds to support public safety and the essential ministerial functions of county government.

Our two incumbent county commissioners up for re-election have demonstrated their lack the experience, will and ability to fix the problems. Our incumbent county commissioners have played defense almost exclusively for over three-and-a-half years. When they attempted offense, in the form of asking the public to raise property taxes, they lost the confidence of the voters by over 70 percent.

They have raised taxes and fees, without a vote of the people, in the belief that making it cost more to live here will somehow improve the economy. We cannot afford such seriously flawed thinking any longer. We desperately need Jeff Lauderdale’s intelligence, personal discipline and proven leadership to correct the dangerous path Island County government is on.

Please vote and elect Jeff Lauderdale.

Rufus Rose
